How Do You Know When You’ve Found Your Purpose?
Have you ever found yourself so immersed in an activity that time seemed to vanish? Maybe it was a creative project, a meaningful conversation, or a moment of connection where everything felt effortless and right. Hours passed like minutes, and you were left feeling fulfilled and alive.
How often do you experience that in your daily life? Imagine living that way every day—completely in sync with your purpose, doing work that feels like an extension of who you are. It might seem like an unattainable dream, but what if it’s not?
In yoga philosophy, this state of flow is deeply connected to a concept known as dharma. Dharma is more than just your job or career; it is your life’s calling—your unique purpose in this world. The word itself, derived from Sanskrit, can be translated as "path," "truth," or even "law." But it’s much more than that. It’s the essence of who you are and the work you were born to do.
Unlike goals or ambitions that you might set for yourself, your dharma isn’t something you choose. It’s an inherent part of your being, woven into your existence from the moment you were created. Your task is to uncover it and live it out. To ignore your dharma is to deny your true nature—and to withhold your unique gifts from the world.
At first, this might feel like a heavy responsibility. After all, the idea of finding and fulfilling a singular life purpose can sound daunting. But here’s the beauty of dharma: when you align with it, life becomes easier, not harder. Even when challenges arise, you face them with a sense of purpose and joy because you know you’re on the right path.
Stephen Cope, in his book The Great Work of Your Life, describes the magic of living your dharma as achieving a state of "effortless effort." He writes:
"People actually feel happiest and most fulfilled when meeting the challenges of their dharma in the world, when bringing highly concentrated effort to some compelling activity for which they have a true calling."
This effortless effort isn’t about avoiding work or challenges—it’s about finding joy in them. It’s the deep satisfaction of knowing that what you’re doing matters, both to you and to the world. When you’re aligned with your dharma, the lines between work and play blur. What you do becomes an extension of who you are.
I’ve experienced this in my own life. Whether I’m coaching a client, teaching a yoga class, or supporting a friend, I feel a profound sense of alignment with my purpose. My dharma is to empower others—to help people unlock their potential, overcome self-imposed limits, and discover their own unique calling.
This purpose informs everything I do, from my professional work to my personal relationships. It’s not always easy, and there are days when the challenges feel overwhelming. But even on those days, there’s a sense of fulfillment in knowing that I’m living authentically.
So, how do you uncover your dharma?
For some people, their dharma is immediately clear. They’ve always known, deep down, what they were meant to do. For others, it takes time and exploration. The path to discovering your dharma is deeply personal, but here are some steps to guide you:
1. Reflect on Your Joys and Talents
Think about the activities that make you lose track of time. What brings you joy, even when it’s challenging? What are you naturally good at? Often, your dharma lies at the intersection of your passions and your talents.
2. Consider How You Serve Others
Dharma isn’t just about self-fulfillment; it’s also about contributing to the greater good. Ask yourself: How can I use my unique gifts to help others?
3. Practice Self-Awareness
Yoga and meditation are powerful tools for cultivating self-awareness. By quieting the noise of the outside world, you can tune into your inner voice and begin to understand your true purpose.
4. Be Open to Growth and Change
Your dharma isn’t static. It evolves as you do. Be open to learning, adapting, and redefining your path as you grow.
5. Trust the Journey
Living your dharma isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about trusting the process and taking one step at a time.
For me, the practices of yoga have been invaluable in uncovering and aligning with my dharma. Yoga isn’t just about physical postures; it’s a comprehensive system that guides you toward self-discovery and purpose. The eightfold path of yoga offers a roadmap for living authentically, from cultivating ethical principles to developing mindfulness and self-discipline.
Through yoga, I’ve learned to quiet my mind, connect with my inner self, and embrace the present moment. These practices have helped me clarify my purpose and live in alignment with it.
If you’re feeling disconnected from your purpose, I encourage you to explore yoga or other practices that promote self-reflection. Give yourself the time and space to listen to your heart and discover what truly matters to you.
Living Your Dharma
Living your dharma doesn’t mean life will always be easy or that challenges will disappear. But it does mean that even in the face of difficulties, you’ll find strength and meaning. When you align with your purpose, every experience becomes an opportunity for growth and learning.
Remember, your dharma is already within you. It’s not something you need to create; it’s something you need to uncover. And once you do, it will transform not only your life but also the lives of those around you.
If you’re ready to explore your dharma, I’d love to help. Whether through coaching, yoga, or simply a heartfelt conversation, I’m here to support you on your journey. Let’s work together to uncover your purpose and create a life that feels effortless, joyful, and deeply fulfilling.
And remember, you’re never alone. We’re all on this journey together, learning, growing, and striving to live authentically.
The world needs your unique gifts. Don’t be afraid to share them.
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