Enough is more than enough

Jan 01, 2020

I’ve been seeing all over social media in the last few weeks people choosing their word of the year.

I’m going to go ahead and put it out there that I love this kind of stuff. I’m a huge fan of the fresh start, intention setting, goal stating, limitless possibilities of a new year.

So, of course, I wanted to pick an intention setting word for my new year. After much deliberation, I chose my word for 2020. First, I narrowed it down to two, Trust and Abundance.

These are two that I’ve been dancing with for most of last year. After making a huge pivot in my business, raising two teenagers - one of whom is only weeks away from legal adulthood, and trying to maintain some sense of order out of the chaos that is my household these days, I found myself… on many occasions… taking my hands off the wheel and just praying that God would provide me with everything that we needed.

And I’m not sure exactly how, but with every instance, when I stopped trying to know all the answers, all of the pieces of my life that I found myself concerned with seemed to settle into a place that would do just fine.

While still not always feeling abundant and plentiful, I have found that trust has allowed me to let go of worry.

Reminded that I don’t need to know how everything will turn out, or when, or what it will look like, but that I just need to trust. Trust that someone greater and wiser than myself is looking out for us, and just keep taking the next right step, and eventually, the outcome will probably be even better than I could have imagined.

So trust will continue to be a huge part of my year and for that matter my life, but the word I chose for my year is Abundance.

So I go into this year trusting that I will have an abundance of time... of money... of clients to serve... of good times with my kids... of love... of health... And not just in a traditional sense of having lots and lots of those things, but pairing it with a faith that whatever I have, whatever is provided for me, is not just enough, not just ok, or fine, but that whatever I’m given is more than enough.

Changing my mindset of scarcity to a knowing that whatever I have is exactly what I need. Exactly what I’m supposed to have. With a heart of gratitude, instead of concern, and appreciating everything that I have exactly how it is.

What is your Word of the year? It’s not too late to pick one. Post it in the comments below!

I hope my experiences remind you that even when it feels like it, you're never alone. I'm right there with you, using and sharing all the resources I have to navigate through life as gracefully as possible. ❤️


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